We’re a week into October! I don’t know about you, but I’m having a blast with these stories! If you like them, please feel free to sign up for updates on the right, or drop me a line!
Yesterday and today’s are both on the shorter side, but this week I’ll be stretching them out again. Thanks for reading!
Subject: Shawn Benning
Observer: Corey Evers, PhD.
Conditions: Subject is isolated in a soundproof faraday cage. The only objects in the room with him are the chair and table he is using. Observation is being made by remote camera and mic fixed in wall, as is the speaker subject receives instructions through.
October 3, 2017, 12:30pm. Building CP3, room 112
Observer: Good afternoon, Mr. Benning. How are you feeling today? Were you able to find the place okay?
Subject: I’m doing well, thanks. And, yes, I found the place alright.
O: Are you ready to get started?
S: Sure. Where do you want me to go?
O: Let’s start with something close by. In the adjacent room we’ve set cards on a table. Are you able to tell what pictures are on those cards?
S: Okay… let me see… [Shawn folds his hands in front of him on the table and closes his eyes in apparent concentration. His head nods forward onto his hands limply. Moments later he raises his head but speaks with his eyes still closed] The left card has a picture of a lion… the middle card has a tractor… and the rightmost card has a… what is that called? Oil pump? Derrick? Yeah, Oil Derrick. [Subject is correct on both order and content of the cards. Note: room is also unlit]
O: Thank you. Are you able to go again?
S: [opens his eyes] I am, yes.
O: Can you go further.
S: Just tell me where to go!
O: You’ve been to the facility in California, correct?
S: Yes, I was there once.
O: The building number you will be looking for is MJ12. Inside you’re looking for room 223. There are cards on the table in that room. Can you tell me what is pictured on the cards?
S: Let me try… [Shawn assumes the same position as before. As before, his head lolls forward on his hands. This time he remains inert for 4 minutes 37 seconds. When he speaks it is from his head-on-hands position in a flat voice] red balloon… bicycle… violin. [subject is accurate again. subject remains in trance-like state]
O: Are you able to astral project again? [Shawn nods barely perceptibly]
S: You are spelling my name wrong.
O: Excuse me?
S: On your notes there. It’s S-E-A-N. [I am alone in the control booth, or so I thought.]