I saw the headline, and absently started to read the subhead: “A four-year battle over a tiny patch of river beach in Northern California…” No, they couldn’t be talking about Vacation beach… YES! Yes, Chris Colin’s fantastic article is talking about a property across the street from where I lived for 12 years! I know these people! I’ve heard the arguments first hand! Colin pulls back from the Russian River to the larger river access argument across the country and even the cultural ideals around access. It’s a remarkably well-balanced article in what is an extremely divisive subject. If you read one thing this week, I can’t recommend this highly enough!
If you don’t know who David Sedaris is stop reading, click on the link and come back after you’ve wiped away the tears (laugh/cry) and come back to thank me. If you know David Sedaris, he’s always worth revisiting. I picked up his latest book, Calypso
, but I’m waiting to savor it. This was a great way to dip my toe in the Sedaris pool before jumping in again.
War on the Rocks
Maybe you’ve never heard of Numbers Stations that were used for decades to exchange coded messages for intelligence services. You can check out a bunch of recordings here – that link actually takes you to one of the most famous recordings of a Numbers Station broadcast, one that was used (without permission) by the band Wilco for their classic album “Yankee Hotel Foxtrot
“. This is a nice primer on the Numbers Stations and how and why they work.
I’ve loved the Roots for a very long time – long before they became Jimmy Fallon’s house band. Black Thought has always been in my pantheon of greatest rappers ever. If you’d like proof, here’s TEN STRAIGHT MINUTES of him freestyling. There maybe some folks reading this who immediately go, “oh, what’s so hard about rapping” (I’ve had this argument with people!). To those, I’d say just try talking for ten minutes straight, no pausing for more than a second or two. Go ahead. I’m not even asking you to keep on a beat or make sense. Just try talking.
This is back from December and it is just amazing. I bring it up because Black Thought just released his first solo album, “Streams of Thought Vol. 1″
. I haven’t had a chance to give it a good listen, but this is worth listening to just to know the talent you’re about to listen to.
Neko Case
While we’re on the subject of music, Neko Case just released her new album, “Hell-on
“. I have loved her music for many, many years, and this album does not disappoint. It’s exuberant, melancholy, lilting, mysterious, and a general feast for the ears. She has more collaborators on this album than on any of her previous albums, but that never takes the focus completely off of her always-gorgeous voice. Check it out! Above link is Amazon, here’s iTunes, Spotify, and a YouTube video.
I love the Oxford English Dictionary (OED). I still would love to have a dead-tree version of the unabridged OED. I have no where to put it, its ridiculously heavy and almost immediately out of date. I don’t care. In my dream house it will be pretentiously displayed in my office.
But I digress, as the English language is a living language it must grow to accommodate the ever-growing lexicon we use to communicate daily. This addition has such words as “Bechdel test” and, my favorite, “Impostor syndrome”.
Atlas Obscura
And finally, a train link! Mind you, I’m not a huge train guy, but this is just cool. One of the “Big Boys” is being rebuilt part by individual part in an effort to run from the yard in Wyoming to Promontory, UT by March 19th 2019 for the 150th anniversary of the opening of the transcontinental railroad. We’re talking about one of the largest steam engines ever built and the reconstruction process means they have to evaluate Every. Single. Piece. Again, I’m not that big a train guy, but I would so love to see this thing run!
99% Invisible
Read this any of the following apply: 1) You have no idea what this whole “MPR Raccoon” thing is all about; 2) You’re all about the MPR Raccoon and are looking for a hot take on it; 3) You like stories about architecture and the way living things interact with it. Love. It.