Reply All
I swear I’ve written about the podcast Reply All before. I perused the page of Five Things and couldn’t find anything all the while cursing myself for not making a searchable index…
First, Reply All has been a first-rate, wonderfully enjoyable and informative show since its inception in 2014. On their website they have a quote from a review by The Guardian calling the show “‘A podcast about the internet’ that is actually an unfailingly original exploration of modern life and how to survive it.” That’s a perfect description.
Right now it’s at a major crossroads as it works its way out of a crisis. In short, a show started by two white guys on a new podcast platform founded by two other white guys has a serious problem in how addresses diversity. Doing exactly that to another company (Bon Apetit) held up a really unflattering mirror that’s caused one of the aforementioned show-founding white guys as well as a long-time reporter to resign and caused an existential crisis for the show.
The New York Times did a great piece on the controversy, and I encourage you to read that. After that, there’s a new episode (yay!) that talks about what’s happened and what’s happening. (That’s a Spotify link)
This has been one of my drop-everything-and-listen podcasts and it never let me down. What I find most fascinating about this controversy is that it happened at all – I think they could have swept it under the carpet and pushed on. But they didn’t. And as a result of the reckoning they have to rebuild from the foundation. That’s hard. That’s admirable. Change is one hell of a force and I’m really looking forward to what’s going to come next for them.

Like a Stone
Remember Sports
Their 2018 album, “Slow Buzz,” was my favorite album of that year and one I still go to if I want to turn the stereo up to eleven and sing along for 36 joyous minutes of power-pop. “Like a Stone” is the newest album from the Philadelphia-based band and it hits very differently. It’s not as rambunctious. It takes its time, but they still have great jangly melodies and slightly warbly vocals. The more I listen the more I’m enjoying it.

The trailer had me hooked. Last Friday, Akilah and I were looking for a movie to watch and I wanted something with action that I didn’t want to think hard about. “Nobody” blew my expectations away. Let’s be clear: this is a violent action movie. Comparisons to the John Wick franchise are absolutely fair, and I’m not sure which has more violence. Bob Odenkirk is the titular “nobody” with a past. But it’s also got Christopher Lloyd as his dad! And RZA makes an appearance! It’s in theaters now (remember those? They’re still around and want you to come in — safely!) and rental at video on demand sites.

For Centuries, Big Sur Residents Have Seen ‘Dark Watchers’ In The Mountains
SF Gate
The title pretty much says it all. Dark watchers! In the Santa Lucia mountains! References to poet Robert Jeffers and patron saint of the area, John Steinbeck! What more do you want?!
A few years back I followed the serpentine Nacimiento-Fergusson Road from King City to Big Sur through those mountains. At the time I remember there were some side roads that looked like they might be interesting. I might have to go back and keep my eyes out for those Watchers…

Bring a Trailer
When I go to Target I bring a list, but I shop the whole store. I only buy what’s on my list, but I love looking at fun stuff I would never actually buy. Like this:

Or this:

Similarly, I’m not in the market for a car but my daily email from Bring A Trailer (BAT) is something I look forward to perusing every morning. The sheer variety of cars listed boggle the mind. Want some dream-worthy listings? How about a 27-Mile 2005 Ford GT? I’ve been drooling over this 1957 Porsche 356A Speedster myself. But they’ve also got things only a few people would pay attention to. This 1974 Honda CB360G motorcycle brought me back to my second motorcycle (also a 1974 Honda CB360, but the “T” model) and the walk-around video and start up… man I was 18 again for a moment.Nothing wrong with window shopping…