Selfie Day: Where the Magic Happens

I know, I know, that’s the line for when you show the bedroom on MTV’s Cribs. But I’m talking about a different type of magic, and I kind of like this picture for what’s in the background. I’m in my office, which is, by any measure, a small room.

If you had visited when I lived over on River Lane in Guerneville, you might remember the five (or was it six?) bookshelves worth of books collected over too many years of school and pleasure reading. Moving necessitated divesting myself of nearly all of the books, whittling the collection down to just the books that held a lot of meaning to me. It’s a hard process, but sometimes you need to have that literal letting go of your history. I’m down to two bookshelves (three, if you count the one that serves half as cookbook storage and half as make-shift panty) and as you can see they’re a little, err, crowded. That visible top shelf has my JD Salinger paperbacks, my original copy of Jimmy Buffett’s Where Is Joe Merchant?? as well as John McPhee’s La Place de la Concorde Suisse I bought at a used bookshop after my first work trip to Switzerland – I still haven’t actually read it. I’m of the opinion that it’s healthy to have books you’ve bought but haven’t read yet – it’s aspirational and, well, comforting to know when I’m ready to pick it up, it’s there. There’s a copy the Jane English translation (my preference)of the Tao Te Ching,  (which, seriously, everyone needs at least one copy of – know where it is, and read a passage at random. Trust me.), Rilke’s Letters to a Young Poet I hurriedly bought from Book Shop Santa Cruz when a long-ago girlfriend said it was her favorite book and I, the lit major, didn’t want to cop to not having read it. This reminds me that while my Kindle collection is likely rivaling my actual print book collection, I can’t tell you when. Where, or why I bought the digital copy of Logan Hunder’s Witches Be Crazy, but I can tell you with certainty that I bought A Crash of Rhinos by the poet Paisley Rekdal from the Utah State University bookstore when I took a creative writing seminar that reignited my muse.

There’s cardboard magazine holders for my collection of the now-defunct Lucky Peach magazines, as well as Craft Beer & Brewing, and Woodcrafters issues. I love getting magazines and most are disposable, but some you hang onto. These aren’t your parent’s hoarding every copy of National Geographic, but rather useful magazines I revisit fairly regularly.

Of course, there’s bric-a-brac and assorted electronics crowding all the available shelf space, but the last thing I’d like to draw your attention to are my devout companions, my 1988 Fender Telecaster electric and my 1991 Fender Montara acoustic guitars. I bought the Telecaster shortly before my dad passed away, and the Montara about six months after. They both mean the world to me and have been wonderful company over the decades. I have other guitars that hold their own meaning to me, but these two… Yeah.

Thanks for joining me on this examination of a corner of my over-crowded office. What’s not seen is what’s behind the camera, namely my PC that I’m typing this on as well as my recording gear. Hopefully you’ll have the opportunity to hear that put to use sooner than later!

What I’m Reading (And Listening to!) This Week – Week 3, 2018

I two articles link this week, but I have two album recommendations. The links in the body of the album reviews are Amazon affiliate links, and there’s also a Spotify link

Turns out figuring out where you’re from based on your DNA is really hard and figuring out where you’re from depends on how (and when) your ancestors lived in a particular place.
Atlas Obscura
What’s the deal with Mormons and caffeine? It’s complicated…

 First Aid Kit —Ruins

I fell in love with the Swedish duo of Klara and Johanna Söderberg the first time I heard “Emmylou” from their 2012 album The Lion’s Roar.  They have a folk-country sound that’s much more Nashville than Stockholm, but if the mention of the country genre makes you cringe, know that the Emmylou of the song I mentioned earlier is Emmylou Harris and on that same song she also name-checks Gram Parsons, June Carter Cash, and Johnny Cash — that’s the country they’re emulating: Old School. Ruins may lean a little more into the country twang than the more folky previous album, but the interplay of their voices and the musicianship will make you lean back and enjoy.
It’s winter. Even in California, it’s cold and rainy and, well, maybe a little dreary. Need something to pick you up? Maybe you rely on pathetic radiant heaters for your only source of warmth like me? If so and you need to instantly transform the room from see-your-breath chilly to tropically sweltering, just drop the proverbial needle on Camila Cabello’s full album. If you’re unfamiliar with her name, you’ve undoubtedly heard the earworm “Havana” — it’s been pretty inescapable, and for good reason. It’s on this album, but lest you think she’s a one-hit-wonder, just about every track here raises the mercury. It’s a glorious summer pop album just in time to thaw even the most severe Bomb Cyclone.

A New Year

This is the first stab at this concept, and I’m not sure how well it turned out. It’s probably something I’m going to revisit — probably even this very scenario. We’ll see. For now see what you think!

Julie opened her eyes and squinted over the blanket lump that was her date from last night at her alarm clock to see it was only 7am on New Years Day. She did the mental calculations and realized two facts at once: 1) she’d only gotten four hours of sleep, and 2) she wasn’t going to go back to sleep. Shortly after that, another fact jolted through her: Dave and I slept together! she thought, eyeing the brown head of hair peeking out of the covers, snoring quietly next to her. The jolt subsided and she thought with more than a little resignation, Yep, Dave and I slept together…
They’d known each other forever, and her crush on him had waxed and waned over the years — as, he admitted last night, his for her had as well — but the timing was never right: he was in a relationship, or she was dating someone who seemed right at the time, or… so many “or”s. But last night… things clicked — at least they did logistically. As for the actual business… it left a lot to be desired. Julie sighed and Dave stirred at the sound. He rolled over, blinking the sleep out of his eyes.
“Wait…” he said as recognition settled in, “Did we…?”
“Uh huh.”
“We did, didn’t we?”
A heavy silence stretched for long seconds. “…It wasn’t very good, was it?” Dave said finally.
“No, no it wasn’t.”
“GOD FUCKING DAMNIT!” Dave yelled, leaping out of bed.
“Whoa, whoa, whoa,” Julie tried to settle him down. “It wasn’t that bad,” though the more she thought about it…
“This isn’t how it’s supposed to be!”
Julie shrugged, “Dave… it is what it is. It’s not worth getting worked up about.
“No, no, no,” he said gesticulating wildly — which made more than just his finger wag. “You don’t understand, I lived December 31st, 2017 six hundred and thirty six times!”
“What do you mean? Lived six hundred thirty six—”
“Six hundred thirty seven including last night! But that’s the thing! ‘Last night’! There was a ‘last night’!”
“Of course there was. Dave, are you feeling okay?”
“No! I’m decidedly not okay!”
“Fine, do you at least want to put some clothes on?”
He looked down and realized he was naked for the first time since waking up. “Oh, uh, yeah…” As he searched around the bedroom for his boxer shorts he started to explain, “You know that movie ‘Groundhog Day’?”
“Of course.”
“That was yesterday!!”
“What do you mean? We didn’t watch that yesterday…”
“No, I was Groundhog Day-ed!”
“That’s crazy, Dave. Look,” she tried to console, “we just…. you know, maybe we’re just not meant…”
“No! I spent six hundred and thirty six days trying to figure it out. It took me forever just to figure out that I was supposed to get together with you…”
“Me? Why me? Did you get some sort of rule book?”
“What? No. I mean… You’re my Andie MacDowell!”
“Uh… Thanks?”
“It made sense! I mean, it always seemed like there could have been a thing between us if the timing was right, and I told you that last night and… oh no,” his face went pale and he sat heavily on the foot of the bed.
“Dave? What?”
“Was I a pity fuck?”
“No, really, did you feel sorry for me when I told you I’d always had a crush on you took pity on me and…”
“Dave, seriously, it wasn’t….”
“Oh my God. Oh my God…” he started repeating.
“Dave! Stop. Don’t be an idiot. It wasn’t like that!”
“Really?” he asked sheepishly.
“Really. Look, we tried it. It wasn’t great. Live and learn, right?”
Dave sighed heavily, “Now what?”
She smiled, leaned forward holding the blankets over her chest, and kissed his forehead. “Let’s go have some breakfast.”
Dave stood and gathered his clothes and moved toward the bathroom. Julie took a look at her crumpled dress from the night before and shook her head at the memory. She pulled on a pair of sweat pants and a tshirt and went to the kitchen to make coffee.
Then she screamed.
Dave came running out of the bathroom, one leg in his pants, one leg out. “What?!” he yelled. He saw her standing in the hallway, then, past her, he saw a man in a suit pouring a cup of coffee. “Who the hell are you?”
The man looked up from pouring the coffee. “Hi Dave, Julie,” he started, then gestured towards the coffee pot, “I made enough for both of you.”
“Who are you and why are you in my house? And… and…. you made coffee?!”
“There’s bacon in the oven — should be ready in about five minutes. Oh! Muffins, too,” he said, opening the microwave and retrieving a plate full of blueberry muffins.”
“WHY ARE YOU IN MY HOUSE?!” Julie yelled.
“Ah, that…” he said, straightening. Then, in a more serious tone he said, “We have to have a talk. You’d probably better sit down…” he gestured towards the table.
“In your house, yes yes. I’ll explain. Seriously, sit down first.”
Dave and Julie cautiously moved towards the table neither taking their eyes off of the man, like he was some sort of wild cat that would pounce any moment. They sat down and the man set a plate with muffins, fruit salad, and bacon in front of them along with a mug of coffee.
“Julie, a little sugar and Half and Half? Just like you like it, right?”
“How did you…? I didn’t even have Half and Half…”
“Right… that’s not terribly important,” he waved his hand. “I’m… well, you can just call me Bob.”
“Bob?” Julie asked.
“Okay, look… I’m not good with names and maybe that’s a bad one. Let’s just go with that for now. Let’s talk about last night…”
“Last night?” Julie asked.
“Yes, specifically you two,” he gestured between Dave and Julie. “You know, when you two ‘hooked up’?”
“How do you know…”
Bob held up a hand interrupting. “Again, not important. What is important is that it happened and, Dave, I think you’ve noticed… it’s no longer yesterday.”
Dave’s eyes went wide, “What do you know about that?!”
“Let’s just say this,” he gestured to the breakfast, “is about that. Eat! Please!” Bob was quiet until both Dave and Julie nibbled experimentally at the food in front of them. “Now then, Dave, you probably noticed that last night… wasn’t what you might have expected.”
“Yeah,” Dave said, his shoulders sagging.
“Whoa, Romeo,” Julie said, “It wasn’t a picnic for me either!”
Bob let out a laugh, “Right. So, here’s where it gets interesting — seriously, those blueberry muffins are delectable. Fresh blueberries!” he started unwrapping a muffin, then stopped. “Dave? Did you explain the whole six hundred thirty seven New Years Eves?”
“I tried…”
“Okay,” Bob said taking a bite of the muffin. He chewed thoughtfully and swallowed. “Dave, you’re right now living day six hundred thirty eight. I must say, I think last night’s performance got you to — you’re more upset yesterday than you are today!”
“Wait… upset yesterday…?” Julie asked.
“Are you familiar with the Many-worlds interpretation? The idea that when you make a decision you unknowingly create a parallel universe where you made the opposite decision?”
Dave shook his head. “I’ve heard of that,” Julie said.
“Good, we’ve got one smart one in the room,” Bob remarked snarkily. “Welcome to the parallel universe!” Bob said, spreading his arms wide.
“Huh?” both Dave and Julie said in unison.
“Dave didn’t really wake up today…”
“I did!”
“No, you did,” he gestured to Dave, “but the you-you is still repeating New Years Eve. You’re a parallel universe.”
“It just feels like the regular universe,” Julie said shaking her head.
“Right? Well, it does for now. But that’s why I’m here…”
“Why are you here?” Julie asked.
“Because this reality, by definition isn’t stable. It’s going to fall apart. I just wanted to explain this and, you know, make you breakfast before the end of your world.”
“Uh, that’s nice of you and everything, but… end of the world?” Julie said, then noticed the room get darker as if a cloud passed in front of the sun.
“Yeah, looks like it’s starting sooner than I thought,” Bob said frowning. “Well, eat up!” he gestured to the food.