Five Things This Week: week 31

Atlas Obscura
This story leads with a couple that got married on the bow of the titanic. 12,000 feet under the water. From there are the myriad plans to raise the Titanic from its watery grave, as well as (largely unsuccessful) attempts to protect it. 
Us Weekly
Don’t judge me! This 25 Things was done in 2013 (and it shows: “I love to play Wii tennis.” We all did, darling, we all did) but they re-released it for her role in the new Mama Mia sequel (and, no, I haven’t seen it. Nor plan to. Nor have I seen the first one. Make of that what you will…). But there are some amazing lines that I can only imagine could spin off into (obviously) Cher-starring films (“I have driven a taxi through New York City at 4 A.M.”). This is cotton candy, people, eat it up!
Cats purring. Need I say more?
Okay, calm from the purrs? Okay, I’m going to drop this here then:
Are you familiar with the whole Q-Anon conspiracy? You probably should be. It’s gathering steam and, while it’s really easy to dismiss it as whackadoo-crazy (complete with echoes of “Pizza-gate”), it’s not going away. On the contrary, its believers are doggedly loyal to the conspiracy (Washington Post), and that makes them and this whole movement particularly dangerous. Don’t believe me? How about the Q-Anon guy who showed up on the Hoover Dam in June armed with a handgun and a rifle (dailybeast) and a sign demanding the release of an Inspector General report… that had already been released (though, Q-Anon asserts, not the real report). I’m not posting this here to ridicule the movement (though the more you read, the more ridiculous it seems) but rather for edification; if you’ve heard the term “QAnon” and don’t know what it refers to, it’s time to understand just what it is all about. “And knowing is half the battle!” — G.I. Joe.
And your respite from that…
Lately Fern has been posting pictures of puppies to BookFace to try to alleviate the constant stream of bad/partisan/terrifying news flooding her friends’ feeds. This isn’t a puppy, but who doesn’t love baby ducklings. All 76 of them. They’re not all Mama duck’s – think of it as “ducky daycare”.