Well, geez, it’s been a hell of a week this week! Let’s get into five things to check out, only one of which is particularly heavy…

The Parallel-Parking Job That Ignited the Internet
A picture of an impossible parallel parking job posted on Twitter goes viral, and most of the commenters are not kind. What gives? The original poster (and parallel parker) reached out to experts and even to some of the fiercest commenters to see what’s behind the vitriol over a relatively benign picture. And, more importantly, what does that say about us as society today?

His Name Was Emmett Till
The Atlantic
I hope you recognize the name. If you need a reminder, in 1955 14-year-old Emmett Till was murdered by white men who accused him of “offending a white woman in her family’s grocery store.” That’s what it says in the Wikipedia entry. I’ve heard they said he whistled at her, I’ve heard he touched her… it’s all a lie. She said so herself in 2008. But even that lie doesn’t matter because – as that woman said herself (later in life, naturally), “nothing that boy did could ever justify what happened to him.” Yeah. No shit.
There’s countless reasons why this story needs to be told and retold and told again so we never forget.
But this is an aspect I didn’t know about: the barn where those terrible men tortured and killed Emmett Till is still there. It’s owned by a dentist. This article questions how we remember and what should we do to preserve those testaments to the memories.

Gunpowder Milkshake
I’ve seen some reviews call this a “female John Wick.” That’s wrong on many, many levels, but gets the action/violence level as well as a kind of assassin world-building right. I have been a Karen Gillan stan since her Doctor Who days and here she is amazing as the protagonist assassin who goes off plan when a little girl shows up. The fight scenes are creative while still being visceral and brutal. The lighting, choreography, and outfits are fantastic – I love Gillan’s bowling varsity jacket. The plot is… wait, who cares? The performances and execution (pun intended) carry this movie. (The title link is to the trailer on YouTube)

You know, I honestly thought I’d mentioned this already because it’s been such an “appointment television” every Wednesday it’s been on. On the stroke of midnight Wednesday Akilah would stay off TikTok to avoid spoilers until we had a chance to watch the episode. She even waited until I got back from my trip to watch that week’s episode with me — that’s love, y’all.
But the last episode dropped a couple Wednesdays ago and, man, it was a great run. I think going into it I was expecting something more akin to the upcoming “What If” animated Marvel series coming next month – Loki teleporting to different locations and causing mischief. Instead it’s a wonderful character study of the Loki we’ve met over the series of MCU movies.
There have now been three Disney+ MCU series – WandaVision, Falcon and The Winter Soldier, and now Loki. All three have been so very different and so worth your time. Add in the Mandalorian and Disney+ has more than made itself worth the money in my estimation – not to mention all the upcoming shows, too! (The title link is to the trailer on YouTube)

The Truth Behind The Amazon Mystery Seeds
The Atlantic
Remember the Chinese seed scare last year? I mean, 2020 lasted like ten years so it was a long time ago. But do you remember when people would get unexpected packages from China listed as weird things like “Stud Earrings” only to find the packa ge contained seeds they never ordered? This article revisits that brouhaha and tries to get to the bottom of it. Spoiler: sounds like a cross between people legitimately ordering them and forgetting about it with something called “brushing.” Brushing is where companies “sell” a fake account with a real person’s name and address and send them junk (or seeds) calling it something else more expensive in an attempt to raise their ranking on Amazon or other eCommerce sites. Or, maybe it’s something else. We still don’t fully know. But it’s almost certainly not something nefarious.