Pumpkin $pice

There’s a meme that goes “If I won the lottery there’d be signs…” and then there’s a picture of something outrageous like a life-size Millenium Falcon in someone’s backyard, or a swimming pool filled with Reese’s. Or folks use it as a social critique and show a full gas gauge, a cart of groceries, or going to the doctor and dentist.

I did not win the lottery tonight, but I can at least point to one item that I would purchase if I were to ever come into enough money where I could consider myself “well off.” I give you, the Le Creuset Signature Pumpkin Cocotte. I hope that link works forever, but in the event that it doesn’t (it’s true, nothing on the internet truly lives forever – particularly if it’s something you want to refer back to at a later point in time), this is what the Le Creuset Signature Pumpkin Cocotte looks like in the “Persimmon” color:

Feast your eyes upon that enameled cast iron beauty!

“But Jordy,” you say, “I just pulled up the Let Creuset website that you linked to and hasn’t yet become a dead link and I notice that the price for the Signature Pumpkin Cocotte is only $368. A little expensive, sure, but calling this a signifier of wealth? Really?”

Ah, indeed! You see, for $368 (plus shipping) you indeed get a four-quart enamel cast iron cocotte but – in case you haven’t noticed – it’s shaped like a pumpkin. I happen to like pumpkins…for approximately three months out of the year and then I don’t think about pumpkins again.

And there’s the rub!

You have means enough to decide to drop nearly $400 on an ornamental cooking vessel that you’re likely only going to pull out for three months out of the year. What’s more, even during those three months, how often are you reaching for a four-quart pot? I’m going go to out on a limb and say it’s almost certainly not every day. Maybe once a week? Say, Sunday dinner? Four Sundays a month, three months, now you’re using this nearly $400 ornamental pot maybe twelve times a year.

But what are you doing with it the rest of the year? You need a place for it to go – somewhere safe. So, you’ve got the money to outlay for this enamel cast iron gourd and the kitchen real estate to stash it when it’s not in use (so, almost all the time). Nice kitchen, space to spare…

But let me say again, it’s not that expensive up front. But it’s the fact this thing has risen to the top of your “I should buy this” list ahead of everything else in your life, and you’ve got the space to store it.

If you own the Le Creuset Signature Pumpkin Cocotte you’re doing just fine.

Selfie week 26: Nervous, Anxious, Trepidatious, and Very, Very Excited

This is not my first motorcycle trip – not even my first on this bike. And this isn’t the first time I’ve gone camping with this motorcycle. This, however, will be the first time I’m going camping on my motorcycle for consecutive days. And that consecutive-day thing? I haven’t camped for consecutive days since I was in Boy Scouts – for those of you keeping score, that was a long time ago. A long time ago.

But, like riding a bicycle, there are a lot of things I haven’t forgotten. Boy Scouts served me very well in that regard. I didn’t appreciate it enough at the time, but while the motto is “Be Prepared,” what didn’t sink in until decades later was it wasn’t “be prepared for what’s at hand.” No, it’s “be prepared for life.” I appreciate that now.

Funds are tight these days, as I’ve described previously, so I designed this trip to be as thrifty as possible – only one of the planned campgrounds costs anything (and then it’s only $15). I’ve got all my food on the bike. And I’m leaving this morning and coming back late Friday because I have vacation time to spend from my Dayjob, but if I miss a weekend bartending gig, there’s no vacation pay.

The trip hinges on a trip over Sherman Pass Road – if that sounds familiar, it could be because it’s number 20 on my bucket list. And there’s a number of other bucket list items I’m aiming to cross off the list in the next five days. We’ll see…

I add that caveat because this is a big open-ended adventure. Not one of the campgrounds I’m heading for allow reservations, so we’ll see if I end up in, say, my planned Leavis Flat campground tonight or I have to scramble to find somewhere else. Tomorrow night I’m planning to be in (or, rather, above) Death Valley, so I’m thinking there may not be a lot of call for camping in the desert at the end of June. But I don’t know for sure! I’ve mentally built in contingencies and my mind set is flexible.

I’m hoping to post updates from the road, but I’m not counting on it. Without question I’m going to take a lot of pictures and publish a proper trip report once I get back. Until then, here’s to an amazing adventure!

Have bike, will travel.

31 Ghosts 2019: October 19 – Coffee Shop Admirer

Shorty Saturday. I know it’s been a week with a few short ones. But this is your regularly scheduled short short. Next time you settle in to work at Starbucks take a look around and see if anyone is paying you too much attention…

I’ve been sitting at the table at the Starbucks down the road from my work for twenty minutes now, and the guy in the corner has been watching me since I took my computer out. I can see him just out of my peripheral vision. He looks like he’s dressed for work – something outdoors, judging by the heavy canvas pants and the denim work shirt. His cheeks are stubbled with maybe a day’s worth of growth, but his goatee is well kept. His sharp eyes under heavy brows have traced between me and my computer. I’m at an oblique angle to him, so he can’t see my monitor. And, sure, maybe he’s taking issue with some of the stickers on my laptop – maybe the astronaut girl? The “FEMINIST” sticker? The “Let’s Summon Demons!” sticker? 

No, he’s definitely looking more at me. I should go. I can write in the car. That’s fine. Wait, no, goddamn Starbucks and their wifi! 

Okay, I’m going to ignore him. I can write a ghost story for today with some weirdo staring at me. No big deal. Focus, Jordy. Focus.

He’s getting up. He’s walking over here deliberately. 

He just leaned down close to my ear and said quietly so only I could hear, “I’m your ghost story today.” 

Now he’s walking back towards the bathrooms.

Oh shit. 

He just disappeared. Vanished. Didn’t even make it to the bathrooms. 

What the hell?